Why Hire An Agency to Manage Your Social Media?
Are You Overwelmed Trying to Manage Your Own Posts?
Posting to several different social media caccounts can take a lot of time if you want to do it yourself. Let us help you by doing it all for you.
Do You Want Your Social Media Presence to Create New Business?
Its not just about puppies and kittens. Your socail profiles can generate serious business for you. Ask us how to improve your conversions.
Do You Want to Post Pictures and Updates Regularly?
Creating a posting schedule can really help you streamline things as well as ensure that you maintian a consistent presence. Call us for help.
Was Your Profile Built Correctly?
We optimize for a living. Your profiles need the same care and expertise as a website. Reach out to us today for help in setting up your profiles properly.
Key Components Of Social Media Marketing Strategy
Social media marketing is a beacon that can bring customers from all corners of the world. This type of marketing is extremely valuable, but it is still a tool, meaning that it is only as good as its user. We want you to know how to use this tool, which is why we are sharing the following key components of social media marketing that need to be addressed individually to make sure the tool is used correctly.
Bullseye on the Customer
An important aspect of social media marketing requires being able to identify a potential buyer correctly. Identifying potential customers starts by creating a buyer's persona. Think of this fictionalized buyer as your ideal customer. How would you speak to this person? What are their pain points? What are their goals and aspirations? What are the challenges that they are facing on a daily basis? You will need to tune into this customer so that you can join the conversation that they are already having in their head. When your marketing is in lockstep with their thoughts, you can create a lifelong customer.
You might not think that this step is too important, but creating this fictionalized customer helps identify the kind of customer your social media marketing needs to be targeting. What you are effectively doing is reducing the risk of your social media marketing efforts reaching people who are not interested in your products or services.
Checking out Competitors
Okay, we know it is not great to hear that one important step to take when engaging in social media marketing is to look at what competitors are doing, but that is how the game is played. A competitor with healthy traffic who is selling the same product or services is likely doing something right. When we manage social accounts for clients in Jacksonville Florida, or Chula Vista, California, we factor in the competition and the area.
You are not going to be stealing their ideas but rather learning from them so that you can apply their winning tactics to your own business. We want to pay attention to not only the way they use social media but how they respond to their customers. The customers that your competitors have will likely have similar characteristics to a buyer's persona, which is ideal for you. In essence, you are just reading what your potential customers might want from you.
Choose the Platform
The next thing we must tackle is finding out what platform will be most useful to you. For example, those who are attempting to reach the youngest demographic might need to consider social media platforms with a younger base, such as Snapchat or even Instagram.
Understanding the buyer's persona is helpful in finding out the best platform to use, though there are other clues that help highlight the best platforms. Now, you can also use all platforms if you want to test out the waters and receive live data. Doing this can help analyze how people respond to your marketing efforts, and it helps us see which platform brings in the most traffic.
Creative Content
Surely, it is clear that social media marketing is pretty involved once you start breaking apart some of its elements. We know that this could feel a little overwhelming, but each component is tackled one at a time so that it does not feel so complicated. For example, another factor that makes or breaks a social media marketing campaign is producing effective content.
You have all of these social media accounts to juggle, and you are reaching the customers that might want your services or products, but you need to engage them. Engaging customers requires that your company creates interesting content. Great content comes in many forms. For example, you can create videos to share while others may just need to post related images. You can do your best to use some of the information you know about your buyer's persona to try to create the right content, or use your competitor's social media efforts to give you an idea where to go.
Now, you know a little more about social media marketing. Yes, these are just a few key components of social media marketing, which means there are a lot of other things to learn about. For one, you still have to think about who is going to create the content you are going to be using, be it media, written content, or just images.
Small business also needs to consider just how much funds can be set aside for social media marketing, and make sure that it is turning a profit. Each campaign needs to be analyzed after it is employed to see how it is working or if it needs to be abandoned. In short, there is a lot to think about, but do not doubt the fact that this type of marketing is essential for businesses like yours.
Social Media Domination
When applied correctly, the proper social media strategy can result in search engine domination as well a platform to strengthen your relationships with your clients.
Common Complaints from Business Owners
- Social Media is a huge waste of time! It is true that as the visionary for the business, your time is likely better spent elsewhere. But having the right staff or agency managing your social media presence can create buzz and a constant stream of leads for your business.
- There are too many accounts to learn! It seems like there's a new platform every day but most customers don't adopt them and neither should you. We keep you focused on where you will find your ideal customer and we make it simple for you to stay fresh and current.
- It's hard to know what to post and when to post and where to post! We can help with that too. We use tools that make it easy to post the right content in the right places.

Why Have An Agency Manage Your Social Profiles?
The internet is not just about websites. Your brand presence on social media platforms is super important. There is a valuable segment of your customer base on each platform and it is up to you to engage with them there. Do it or lose them to a competitor who is willing to go the extra step.
Why Should I Care About Social Accounts?
Your brand is a valuable asset. When you first start out you have to connect your brand to products and services that you offer. But later on, after you have established brand recognition in the market, you'll want to own all assets available. Create a big footprint with your brand. Grab your brand on all social platforms early so that no one else grabs them and dilutes what you are trying to do. Call us for help.